We are here to support anyone having problems with drugs and/or alcohol.
Our drug and alcohol service is free and confidential. Our recovery teams are based across the city. We can support you in different locations across Birmingham, just let us know where is convenient for you.
Addictions services
Addiction services provide a range of services to people with addictions that aim to prevent and treat substance misuse and improve community safety.
Most of the treatments available are based within the local community. This means that our services support people within their own environment. This helps people cope more effectively in everyday life so that they are more able to reduce their dependency on drugs or alcohol and associated problems.
Our Trust is one of four partners jointly responsible for the delivery of drug and alcohol services for Solihull residents through Solihull Integrated Addiction Service (SIAS). Our partners in Solihull are Aquarius, Welcome and Changes UK. For more information about addictions services in Solihull and how to access them, visit the SIAS website by clicking here.
We are partners alongside Nacro and Aquarius in Recovery Near You, which provides drug and alcohol services to the people of Wolverhampton. For more information about addictions services in Wolverhampton and how to access them, visit the Recovery Near You website by clicking here.
Dual diagnosis / COMPASS programme
The Trust’s dual diagnosis service is known as the COMPASS programme The service operates across Birmingham and Solihull. For more information click here
Addictions services in Birmingham, called Reach Out Recovery, are provided by Change, Grow, Live (CGL). Please visit https://www.changegrowlive.org/content/reach-out-recovery-birmingham