There are a number of competitors within this sector, and throughout the Uk. It is difficult to determine a like for like comparison as they come in various guises, ranging from foster placements, preferred placement listing and other statutory placements. There are 17 specialist mother and baby units across the UK (19th Feb 2018) they offer patient in care. These units are not seen as competitors. It is our intention to formulate a referral pathway into our service at Gaer Cottages.
- New Brand
- Very Little Competition
- Excellent Facilities
- Unique Offer
- Investment into the future
- Cost saving to public purse
- Multi agency/ partnership working Current economy
- Current demand for placement
- Location of Home
- Take up of referrals
- Funding opportunity
- Ability to attract funders
- Appropriate move on accommodation to avoid silted.
- Securing qualified staff
- To duplicate model
- New offer
- Work with Local Authorities nationally
- Current demand for placements
- Job creation
- Possible future competition
- Loss of EU Funding
- Opportunity
- Changing in Government Policy
- Current uncertainty surrounding Taxes