Birmingham Healthy Minds – a free IAPT service for depression and anxiety. Call us on 0121 301 2525.
Covid-19 update: We are still open and accepting referrals; however, due to the current situation, we are facilitating appointments via telephone or video call. We will continue to update our website with any changes including when we are able to resume our normal services. We hope everyone is keeping safe and well and thank you for your understanding.
Birmingham Healthy Minds is an NHS primary care psychological therapies service for people with depression and anxiety symptoms. To access our service you must be:
- Aged 16 or over
- Registered with a Birmingham GP (to check we are your closest service, use the following link:
According to best-practice guidance, we can offer you a variety of treatments depending on your needs, for example cognitive behavioural therapy, mindfulness and interpersonal therapy. You can find out more on our leaflet and on our page what we provide.
Introduction to Birmingham Healthy Minds part 1
Introduction to Birmingham Healthy Minds part 2
Birmingham Healthy Minds 10 year Anniversary
How to refer into our service
Urgent help
Please note: we cannot provide help for people in immediate crisis. If there is immediate, serious risk of harm or injury, please, contact one of the following:
- Urgent mental health support, 24/7 – 0121 262 3555
- GP
- NHS 111
- Samaritans 116 123
- In an emergency dial 999 or attend your local A&E department
If you are currently experiencing symptoms of low mood, depression and/or anxiety and would like to be able to manage these symptoms better, our service may be able to help you.
Please note that if you are already under the care of a mental health team we may not be able to accept your referral to Birmingham Healthy Minds, so please speak to your mental health team before you self-refer.
Complete our self-referral form
Text BHM to 60777
Call us on 0121 301 2525
Ask your GP to refer you
What we can provide therapy for
We offer support for depression and anxiety disorders. Learn more about these difficulties.
What we provide
Click here to learn more about the types of therapy that we offer and whether these are right for you.
Self-help guides
Click here for access to our bookshelf of self-help guides for a variety of different difficulties.
What to expect when you refer
Click here to learn about the steps you will take once you have referred into the service.